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Krakow Technology Park Partnering with the 64th Krakow Film Festival


At the turn of May and June (May 26 – June 2, 2024), one of Poland’s most significant festivals took place – the 64th Krakow Film Festival. The KFF showcases the best documentary and animated films from around the world. The festival was held in Krakow’s art house cinemas and the Academy of Fine Arts, as well as online across Poland.


This year, the Krakow Technology Park became a partner of the event. Our primary focus was on the KFF Industry section, aimed at professionals in the film industry. As part of the KFF Industry, film project pitchings took place at various stages of production (Docs to Start, Docs to Go, Animated in Poland), along with numerous meetings with documentary and animated film creators from around the world. As KPT Multilab (KPT’s post-production studio), we co-organized and actively participated in the section dedicated to documentary films – Doc Lab Poland and CEDOC. From the productions presented during the pitchings, representatives from KPT Multilab selected the most interesting documentary at an early stage of production and awarded it a prize of 10,000 PLN to be used for masters in our studio. The award went to the project “En Garde” from the MX35 studio, directed by Mateusz Wajda and produced by Paweł Zemilski. It tells the story of a Venezuelan family who has been running a fencing school in Łódź for 20 years and is preparing for the World Championships in this field. The film’s premiere is planned for the second half of 2025.


Representatives from KPT also participated in various networking meetings that took place throughout the festival’s duration. Additionally, on Friday, May 31, the CEDOC fair was held at KPT’s headquarters. These are the only co-production meetings in Poland for documentary producers from around the world seeking Polish and foreign partners for their productions. A very important goal of the fair is to establish relationships and build creative cooperation between European producers. A representative from Multilab also actively participated in the meetings aimed at acquiring new partners. Besides the meetings, invited creators and producers had the opportunity to see the facilities of the Krakow Technology Park, including Multilab with its cinema room and green screen studio.


A summary of the 64th KFF can be seen here.


phone 12 640 19 40

fax 12 640 19 45

Krakowski Park Technologiczny sp. z o.o.

ul. Podole 60

30-394 Kraków

NIP 675-11-57-834

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