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History of the Krakow Technology Park


Polish Investment Zone – a record number of 68 decisions to grant support issued by the Kraków Technology Park


launching the Poland Prize Accelerator – the first accelerator for foreign companies for the gaming industry and Industry 4.0


first online edition of the Digital Dragons conference (2900 participants)


Factory of the Future Showroom opening


Lafarge – the largest investment in the history of KPT within the Polish Investment Zone


taking up stocks in Nowe Centrum Administracyjne


increasing the company’s share capital


launching new Digital Innovation Hub service: opening a new working area – Industry 4.0


Polish Investment Zone – new provisions and regulations


Digital Dragons Conference 2018 (2000+ participants)


next editions of the KPT Scale Up programme


SISCODE – first project in the Horizon 2020 programme






the zone expanded to 949.66 ha (23466.66 acres)


organisation of OpenLivingLab Days 2017 conference in cooperation with ENoLL


KPT celebrates 20 years, and is awarded prizes: Małopolska Nagroda Gospodarcza (Małopolska Economic Award), Business Oak (Dąb Biznesu), and Reliable for Business (Rzetelni dla Biznesu)


Digital Dragons 2017 conference, with over 1500 participants


the special economic zone zone expanded to 866.79 ha (2141.89 acres)


KTP building awarded prize in Kraków mój dom (My Home Kraków) competition organised by Dziennik Polski local daily in the category of commercial buildings; the jury acknowledged remarkable architectural solutions and praised arrangement of common space designed for the Kraków Technology Park (KPT) tenants


Digital Dragons 2016 conference, with over 1300 participants


new headquarters for the Kraków Technology Park (KPT): opening of the new seat at ul. Podole 60


publication of the STRATEGIA SMART_KOM report, that is a roadmap for smart solutions in the Kraków Metropolitan Area


incorporation of Innoventure fund


ENoLL accreditation: Kraków Living Lab becomes one of Poland’s two certified living lab centres.


Digital Dragons 2015 conference, with 1100 participants


expansion of the zone to 707.78 ha (1748.96 acres)


approval of new company strategy for 2014–20


Digital Dragons 2014 conference, with 822 participants


expansion of the zone to 628.5 ha (1553.06 acres)


SMART_KOM. Kraków in the Network of Smart Cities project launched


Digital Dragons 2013 conference, with 598 participants


organisation of the Digital Dragons: the first conference for the video games industry (300 participants)


expansion of the zone to cover 558.71 ha (1380.60 acres)


the 100th permit for operation in the Kraków special economic zone issued; it was presented to Capita


publication of report entitled Perspektywa Technologiczna Kraków – Małopolska 2020 – Wyzwania rozwojowe / Technology Perspective Kraków – Małopolska 2020: Development Challenges presenting 10 technologies crucial for the development of Małopolska together with the scenarios necessary for their implementation


ground-breaking for the construction of Małopolska Information Technology Park (MITP) in Pychowice


modification of the borders, the special economic zone changes its area to cover 523.39 ha (1293.33 acres)


approval of the new company strategy for 2009–14

Business in Małopolska Centre providing services for investors set up in partnership with the Office of the Marshal of the Małopolska Region and Małopolska Regional Development Agency (MARR)


KPT celebrates 10 years


KPT Seed Fund set up

new company strategy for 2009–13 approved


Kraków Technology Park (KPT) joins the European Business & Innovation Centre Network (EBN)


the special economic zone expanded to cover 528.83 ha (1306.77 acres)


the Polish Council of Ministers undertakes to expand the special economic zone by 117.45 ha (290.23 acres), in the wake of the decision the zone grows to over 416 ha (1027.96 acres) and encompasses successive subzones for investment in Oświęcim, Gdów, Wolbrom, Andrychów, and Słomniki


the Technology Incubator building is completed, the company changes its headquarters moving to ul. Jana Pawła II 37 (later renamed ul. prof. M. Życzkowskiego 14)


Perspektywa Technologiczna Kraków–Małopolska 2020 / Technology Perspective Kraków – Małopolska 2020 project launched

Invest in Małopolska project launch; it encompasses the multimedia sculpture Małopolska Tree of Innovation and Investment and the first Annual Business in Małopolska Meeting for entrepreneurs from the region


the special economic zone is extended to 298.88 ha (acres), and now encompasses plots in Nowy Sącz, Niepołomice, and Dobczyce


shared accounting and financial services centres (BPOs) and companies intending to open call centres granted the opportunity to invest within the special economic zone


the status of the zone is extended to 2 buildings offering office space: Kraków Business Park in Zabierzów and in Brama Bronowicka


setting up a subzone covering 140 ha (345.95 acres) in Niepołomice, in this way boosting the total space offered by the zone to 262 ha (647.42 acres)

MPP incorporated, MAN Trucks company enters the zone


contract on the construction of the Technology Incubator (Measure 1.3 of the Sectoral Operational Program: Improvement of Competitiveness of. Enterprises (SPO WKP)) signed


the company changes its name to Krakowski Park Technologiczny sp. z o.o.

the special economic zone opens to the modern services sector


approval of new company strategy for 2003–08


setting up a subzone in Tarnów, increasing the total area of the special economic zone to 120 ha (296.53 acres)


the KTP is one of the first Polish technology parks to join the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP)


first permits to operate in the zone issued, with Comarch and Motorola among the recipients


special economic zone covering the area of 66 ha is established; it operates in three subzones: Pychowice, Czyżyny, Branice (HTS), all within the administrative borders of Kraków


commercial company under the name of Centrum Zaawansowanych Technologii – Kraków sp. o.o. is set up to manage the special economic zone


The company was incorporated by the initiators of development of the special economic zone: the Municipality of Kraków, the Jagiellonian University, the Kraków University of Technology (PK), the AGH University of Science and Technology, Tadeusz Sendzimir Steelworks, and the State Treasury represented by the Governor (Voivode)




phone 12 640 19 40

fax 12 640 19 45

Krakowski Park Technologiczny sp. z o.o.

ul. Podole 60

30-394 Kraków

NIP 675-11-57-834

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