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Our projects

Following its mission and in the fulfilment of its tasks, the Kraków Technology Park (KPT) participates in many long-term projects that receive significant financing from European Union funds.

Economic promotion (8)
Game dev (5)
ICT (3)
Innovation (19)
Smart city (1)
Space technology (2)
Startup (11)
Project type
Business support (16)
Event (2)
Infrastructure (2)
Innovation support (17)
Research and reports (5)
Training and education (8)
Trip (1)
Active (15)
Completed (31)
business support

The goal behind the Interreg Central Europe Programme is to cooperate across the borders of Central Europe, to make our cities and regions a better place to live and work. This transnational cooperation is the catalyser for implementing smart solutions that answer regional challenges in innovative, low-emission economy, environment, culture, and transport. Transnational cooperation builds capacity at regional level in line with a grassroots integrated approach, involving appropriate entities from all levels of management.

The 3DCentral project assumes to develop a network of regions of innovation active in quick prototyping and smart technology engineering through the so-called Knowledge Axis Central Europe (KACE). To ensure innovation fuelled development and reduce the differences present at the regional level, it is necessary to strengthen the links between entities participating in innovation systems and between regions. This activity should make an additional positive impact on the transfer of technology between the key players in innovation systems.

The most important envisaged project deliverable is “The reinforcement of ties between the participants of innovation systems achieved thanks to the transnational corporation, leading to an increase in the innovation potential of Central European regions”.

The project is financed from the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Interreg Central Europe programme.

Programme website:


List of partners

(role) – Partner (country)

(LP) IDM Südtirol-Alto Adige (Italy)

(P1) Associazione della fabricca intellgente Lombardia (Italy)

(P2) Fachhochschule Campus02 (Austria)

(P3) evolaris next level GmbH (Austria)

(P4) Fraunhofer IWU Chemnitz (Germany)

(P5) Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart (Germany)

(P6) Technolški Park Ljubljana (Slovenia)

(P7) Technoški Park Pomurje (Slovenia)

(P8) Pannon Gazdasági Hálóza Egyesület (Hungary)

(P9) Krakowski Park Technologiczny / Kraków Technology Park (Poland)

(P10) Politechnika Krakowska / Kraków University of Technology (Poland)


Project description

Subject: Support for the development of fast prototyping and smart engineering technology .

Priority axis name: 1. Cooperation on innovation to improve the competitive edge of Central Europe

Specific goal: 1.1. Improvement of lasting bonds between entities in Central European systems of innovation to reinforce regional innovative capacity.

Role: Project Partner

Project coordinator:

Monika Machowska,

m: +48 668 005 061



Source of financing: Interreg Central Europe


Project budget: € 1,713,131.51

Start date: 01/06/2016

Conclusion date: 30/11/2018

business support innovation support training and education

The ACCELERO project aims to support Business Support Organizations (BSOs) in emerging or moderately developed countries or regions within the EU. As part of the project, selected institutions receive support to implement and pilot-test a new service for their target audience: startups and SMEs. Three of the selected institutions will have the opportunity to obtain EU-BIC certificates.


The ACCELERO initiative aims to analyze the needs of selected BSOs and improve their competencies and knowledge to enable them to implement the service. This will be achieved through close collaboration with representatives of business environment institutions from highly developed countries (referred to as HUBs), who will serve as advisors and mentors.


The planned project activities are:

  1. Selection of 10 BSOs: analysis of needs for previously offered services and initiation of collaboration with HUB leaders.

Creation of the ACCELERO service portfolio: identification of key and significant services provided by HUBs, from which selected institutions can benefit.

2. The task involves developing new services for 10 BSOs: this includes defining and describing the service, taking into account the needs of BSOs and their local ecosystems, specifying the implementation method, required specialized knowledge, and infrastructure.

3. The implementation phase involves testing the new service for each BSO and assessing its impact, including the satisfaction of startups/SMEs that are the recipients of this service.

4. The project aims to establish a pan-European network of business environment institutions from both emerging/moderately and highly developed countries. It also involves creating a catalog of services for BSOs that can be replicated, and implemented even after the completion of the ACCELERO project among institutions not participating in the project.


Project duration: September 01, 2022 – August 31, 2024.

Accelero is funded by Horizon 2020. Project number 101072092, HORIZON-EIE-2021-SCALEUP-01, with a total budget of EUR 998,750.00.

The project partners: EurA PT (Portugal) – the lead partner, EBN – European Business and Innovation Network AISBL (Belgium), bwcon GmbH (Germany), Business Innovation Center Innobridge (Bulgaria), Bpifrance – EuroQuity (France), and KPT (Poland).

innovation support

The programme aims at supporting the scalability and internationalisation of innovative scaleups. It helps to develop innovation in Polish medium-sized and large companies through cooperation with the leading technology providers from all over Europe. Moreover, it lets students of technical courses obtain unique knowledge and experience.

EIT Digital drives European digital transformation by investing into strategic areas and helps enterprises by providing them with technology, talents, and support for development.

The goal of the organisation is to speed up marketing and scaling of technologies that focus on social challenges in Europe.

EIT Digital is supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT): Europe’s largest innovation network.


Project budget: € 73.567



More information here.

BALTIC GAME INDUSTRY – Empowering a Booster for Regional Development
game dev
business support
BALTIC GAME INDUSTRY – Empowering a Booster for Regional Development

The overarching goal of the project Baltic Game Industry is support for the development of the games industry in its capacity of a high economic growth potential sector in the Baltic Sea region as well as reinforcement of its internationalisation and launch of cooperation between stakeholders and their countries.


The particular goals of the project include:

  • increasing the knowledge of the games market in public institutions
  • adjustment of regional economic and promotional strategies to the needs of the market
  • improvement of regulations to satisfy the needs of start-ups in the video games sector better
  • increasing structural and organisational capacity of support institutions
  • increasing the competencies of support institutions in matters concerning incubation and mentoring of businesses in the video games sector
  • launching cooperation between the Baltic Sea region incubators
  • reinforcement of SME capacity in the video games sector
  • development of new capacities for the region’s SMEs.


The project consortium consists of 22 partners representing eight countries of the Baltic Sea region (Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, and Sweden). Additionally, there are 25 associated institutional partners participating in the project. Each of the countries is represented by a member of the public administration, business environment institution, or education centre. The project leader is the BGZ Berlin International Cooperation Agency GmbH.


Tasks of the Kraków Technology Park (KPT)

The KPT plans among others to work on the regional policy concerning the support for the games sector in cooperation with the regional partner (Małopolska region), participation in the meetings of project partners, international workshops and study visits, as well as implementation of a pilot incubation programme for businesses operating in the video games sector. The programme will be mostly based on mentoring sessions with games industry experts in the scope of their design, production, graphic, promotion, development and release, business models, technology, and traffic acquisition. The programme will be prepared in collaboration with Polish experts and representatives of other partners, chiefly foreign incubators. The integration programme will close in a presentation of the developed products to investment funds, business angels, investors, media, developers, and representatives of public administration in the region (demo day).


Role: Project Partner

Project coordinator: Łukasz Leszczyński,

Source of financing: Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014–2020


Programme website:


Budget of the BGI project:

The total budget of the consortium amounts to €3,496,874

The budget at the disposal of the KPT amounts to €257,450, of which €218,832.50 from the European Regional Development Fund (85%) and €38,617.50 of own contribution (15%)





Starting date: 01/10/2017

Closing date: 30/09/2020

Project website:


BalticSatApps – Speeding up Copernicus Innovation for the BSR Environment and Security
space technology
business support
BalticSatApps – Speeding up Copernicus Innovation for the BSR Environment and Security

The overarching goal of the BalticSatApps (Speeding up Copernicus Innovation for the BSR Environment and Security) project is to speed up the marketing of services based on access to and processing of satellite data in the Baltic Sea region by acceleration of new start-ups. It answers the needs and challenges present in the community. Its result will be the improvement of knowledge and access to data provided by Copernicus Programme, as well as increasing awareness, demand, and innovation capacity in the area of satellite data.


The particular goals include:

  • speeding up the marketing of satellite data in the countries of the Baltic Sea region
  • the use of market potential of Copernicus programme throughout the European Union
  • development of an acceleration programme to help entrepreneurs identify the potential of satellite data and develop innovative business models for products and services
  • development of an efficient network in the Baltic Sea region
  • more effective use and development of research activities and innovation strategies related to satellite data
  • development of synergy between public, private, business, and academic circles involved in observation of the Earth
  • sharing resources, knowledge, and European institutions and organisations contact network.


The project consortium consists of 11 partners representing five countries of the Baltic Sea region (Finland, Estonia, Poland, Sweden, and Russia). Additionally, there are seven associated organisations participating in the project. The project leader is Turku University (Finland).


List of partners:

(Role) – Partner (country)

LP – Turku University (Finland)

PP2 – Finnish Meteorological Institute (Finland)

PP3 – Turku Science Park (Finland)

PP4 – Tartu Science Park Foundation (Estonia)

PP5 – Krakow University of Technology (Poland)

PP6 – Tartu Observatory (Estonia)

PP7 – Institute of Geodesy and Cartography (Poland)

PP8 – Krakow Technology Park (Poland)

PP9 – St. Petersburg Information and Analytical Centre (Russia)

PP10 – Swedish National Space Board (Sweden)

PP11 – European-Russian InnoPartnership (Russia)


Role: project partner

Project coordinator: Jarosław Chojnacki 0048 786 140 190,

Source of financing: Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014–2020

Program website:

Budget of the BSA Project: The total budget of the consortium amounts to €2,847,789.17.

The budget at the disposal of the KPT amounts to €163,798.70, of which €139,228.89 from the European Regional Development Fund (85%) and €24,569.81 of own contribution (15%).

Starting date: 01/10/2017

Closing date: 30/09/2020

Project website:


Business in Małopolska. Grow with us!
economic promotion
business support
Business in Małopolska. Grow with us!

The project was conducted by the Małopolska Regional Development Agency (MARR), the Małopolska Region, and the Kraków Technology Park (KPT). It aimed at the promotion of Małopolska in selected areas of economy. Business in Małopolska. Grow with us presented biotechnology, modern technologies, and shared services – the most vibrantly developing sectors in our region – to the world. The project wasd addressed primarily to business circles, especially in the United States, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. The project aimed at increasing the number of foreign investors in Małopolska. Moreover, Business in Małopolska. Grow with us also built a new image of our region as the space where – with full support and co-operation of local authorities – modern sectors of economy, based on modern and innovative technologies, keep on developing. Most project activity focused on direct participation in international fairs and conferences related to modern technologies and the outsourcing industry. Promotion was based on TV and online media campaigns, and publications distributed on boards of popular airlines. Besides the above, analytical reports on Małopolska were published in the English language. The value of the project, financed from the Małopolska Regional Operational Programme 2007–13, Measure 8.1, exceeds PLN 2.3 million.

„Business in Małopolska. Investment in the Future”
economic promotion
business support
„Business in Małopolska. Investment in the Future”

The project by the Małopolska Regional Development Agency, the Małopolska region and Kraków Technology Park  –  “Business in Małopolska. Investment in the Future” began in January 2011.

The project aimed at increasing the popularity of the economic brand of Małopolska through promotion of the investment and export potential of the region. The project aimed at potential clients considering investments in Małopolska, mainly from the USA, India, China and Western Europe as well as recipients of the regional export offer.


Implementation term: 1st January 2011 – 31st December 2012

Project value: above PLN 2.5 million

Source of financing: European Union funds within the Małopolska Regional Development Programme 2007-2013, Measure 8.1.


Central Europe Upstreaming for Policy Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing & Industry 4.0 towards 2030
business support
Central Europe Upstreaming for Policy Excellence in Advanced Manufacturing & Industry 4.0 towards 2030

Proliferation of knowledge and dynamic technological changes related to the implementation of Industry 4.0 solutions pose a challenge in assuring a competitive edge for Central European regions. To draw advantages from their critical mass, the regions of Central Europe should join forces and exploit the synergy resulting from the potential of supranational cooperation.


Main goals:

It takes science, technology, and innovation brought together to build an efficiently operating ecosystem. That, however, cannot be done without an appropriate support from the decision makers. That is why the CEUP 2030 project was set up. It involves and engages a broad partnership from the triple helix institutions connected to administration, business, and science. The specific goals of the project include:

  • better understanding of new technologies
  • monitoring of trends in technology and exploiting them for the process of strategic decision-making
  • support for the long-term strategic process of planning of national and supranational policies.


The detailed goals of the project include:
  • improving the competences and know-how of people responsible for regional and supra-regional policies concerning research, technologies, and innovation
  • forecasting trends and potential technology risks to work out effective support mechanisms
  • construction of long-term coherent strategies for the support of development of new technologies as part of the RIS3 policies.


  • Work Package 1 – ENABLE! – Training strategic and operational level people responsible for making decisions related to support policies in new technologies (Policy Learning Lab)
  • Work Package 2 – UPGRADE! – Selection of information on technologies, and monitoring of technology trends to make optimum decisions concerning support policies (Policy Intelligence Dashboard)
  • Work Package 3 – PROMOTE! – Cooperation of decision-makers to test long-term strategies and actions relevant for support policies (Policy Framework)



The project is conducted as part of Interreg Central Europe 2014-2020 / Call 4. Priorities/Measure 1.1. / Industry 4.0. and Advanced Manufacturing.



The Partners:
  • Krakowski Park Technologiczny (Kraków Technology Park, leading partner, project leader), Małopolska, PL
  • Profactor Research Gmbh / PRO / Upper Austria, AT
  • Platform Industrie 4.0 Austria, PIA / Vienna, AT
  • Fraunhofer Germany / IWU / Saxony, DE
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology / KIT / Baden-Wurttemberg, DE
  • Lombardy Intelligent Factory Association / AFIL / Lombardy, IT
  • SIIT ScpA Intelligent Integrated Systems Technologies/ SIIT/ Genova, IT
  • Pomurje Technology Park / PTP / Eastern Slovenia, SL
  • Pannon Business Network / PBN / Western Hungary, HU
  • Croatian Agency for SMEs, Innovations and Investments / HAMAG / Zagreb, HR



Project Coordinator: Aleksandra Gabriel,

Project Team: Agnieszka Włodarczyk-Gębik, Urszula Woźniak, Anna Wojciechowska, Monika Machowska, Joanna Prusak-Cieślik

Project budget: € 1,099,940.42

Opening date: 01/03/2020

Closing date: 28/02/2022







Business in Małopolska Centre
economic promotion
business support
Business in Małopolska Centre

The most important goal of the project known as Business in Małopolska is the promotion of the economic potential of Małopolska Region and streamlining of the support for investors finding their way to the region. Involved in the implementation of the project, besides Kraków Technology Park (KPT) are also Małopolska Regional Development Agency (Polish acronym MARR) and the Office of the Marshal of Małopolska Region.

The Business in Małopolska Centre (CeBiM) initiated its operation in January 2010. It is a specialised investor services centre with a seat at the business centre of Kraków Technology Park in Czyżyny. Running an integrated system of investor care, CeBiM has a powerful influence on building a positive climate for business in our region. At its disposal is Małopolska’s largest database of land for investment, and also a database of the region’s exporters and foreign partners.

innovation support

Driving Collaborative Innovation towards Decarbonization and Advanced Manufacturing in SMEs across the Baltic Sea Region, implemented under the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Program.


The project’s goal is to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) in their decarbonization process and enhance their ability to adopt modern manufacturing technologies in the wood and electronics sectors. The project helps companies develop more sustainable and advanced processes, contributing to environmental responsibility and improving their market competitiveness.


A key element of the project is the development and implementation of a Digital Twin platform, enabling businesses to simulate and optimize their production processes. As a result, the project will directly educate entrepreneurs on circular solutions, resource utilization, and sustainable practices.

This initiative will also engage regional authorities, facilitating knowledge exchange and co-creation activities at the international level.

The consortium consists of 23 partners in total, including Krakow Technology Park (KPT) and the Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Region, representing Poland.


  • Project Coordinator: Agnieszka Podkowa (
  • Project Team: Kinga Sepielak, Kacper Miodoński, Aldona Chwalik-Raczyńska
  • KPT’s Project Budget: 220,119.00
  • Start Date: 01/03/2025
  • End Date: 29/02/2028
Construction and furnishing of technology incubator in Kraków Technology Park
Construction and furnishing of technology incubator in Kraków Technology Park

Carried out as part of the Measure 1.3 of the SPO-WKP 2004-2006, the project made it possible to build and furnish a building with nearly 4000sq.m (43,000sq.ft of space), whose premises include 16 furnished offices for business start-ups, two seminar halls and one conference hall with complete multimedia facilities. Situated on the premises of the special economic zone, the building was designed for the SMEs that have founded their operation on state-of-the-art technologies. The budget of the whole project amounted to approximately PLN 20,000,000.

Coordination of strategies in research, development and innovation (RDI) and their cohesion with other strategies of new accession countries
research and reports
Coordination of strategies in research, development and innovation (RDI) and their cohesion with other strategies of new accession countries

The Cognac project – Coordination of strategies in research, development, and innovation (RDI) and their cohesion with other strategies of new accession countries involved carrying out research and comparative analysis in Central and Eastern European states in collaboration with Spanish and Austrian partners. Participating in the project were institutions from Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, and Spain. The project designed recommendations concerning coherent and efficient directions of operation in the research sector in member regions, implementation of the research, development, and innovation policy, and the process of joint learning.


The project created materials on collaboration between research and innovation activity, and entrepreneurship, and the significance of the SMEs sector in individual regions. Besides the above, also materials and documents presenting the development of innovation strategy and the methodology of comparative analyses were created.

Creative Małopolska
game dev
business support
Creative Małopolska

The goal behind the project is to promote Małopolska economy by increasing international activity of Małopolska SMEs in video games and film sectors. The project is addressed to SMEs running business in the games and film sectors of creative industries, i.e. in fields that are of key significance for regional specialisation. The support is addressed for the companies whose priorities include internationalisation of the business they run and presence in foreign markets.

These goals can be met thanks to:

  • participation in conferences, fairs, and organisation of B2B meetings: direct contacts between Małopolska milieux and representatives of selected locations
  • organisation of conferences for foreign partners in Małopolska to make them familiar with the available potential and meet representatives of the sector
  • organisation of inbound missions for journalist to make representatives of the media familiar with what Małopolska SMEs have to offer
  • preparation of a comprehensive offer in the form of a professional sectoral portal of the region, and advertisement in specialist press dedicated to the sector.

The project will contribute to the increase of recognisability of Małopolska as a brand in the world, increase the awareness of Małopolska business potential in film and video games sector among businesses and the media. The planned scope of activity in the project is aligned with the approach approved for the investment policy of the region. The Regional Innovation Strategy of Małopolska Region 2020 names the creative and leisure industries key for regional specialisation. Smart specialisation encompasses the activities whose source are individual creation, skills, and talent that provide potential for building well-being and jobs by production and utilisation of intellectual property. This encompasses the above-mentioned video games and film sectors.

Duration: 1 October 2016 – 30 September 2019

Project value: PLN 3,091,309.20

European Regional Development Fund contribution: PLN 2,627,612.82

Source of financing: Regional Operational Programme for Małopolska Region 2014–2020, Priority Axis 3 Entrepreneurial Małopolska, Measure 3.3 Internationalisation of Małopolska Economy, Submeasure 3.3.1 Economic Promotion of Małopolska


Digital Dragons
game dev
Digital Dragons

Digital Dragons is Central and Eastern Europe’s prime games industry conference addressed to representatives of the digital entertainment sector.

Digital Dragons promotes the games sector, one of the fastest growing sectors in the digital entertainment industry. The main goal is to establish a platform for Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Academia (B2A) relations in the games industry. Thanks to the presence of a vast number of games producers, publishers, venture capital funds, and representatives of the games industry media, Digital Dragons provides a perfect opportunity for business contacts, staff recruitment, and product promotion launches.

Digital Innovation Hub
innovation support
Digital Innovation Hub

The Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) KPT is intended for Polish manufacturing enterprises. KPT’s goal is to create a comprehensive support point (a one-stop-shop) that will provide participants with a wide range of services essential in the evolution towards the factory of the future, including areas such as 5G technology, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), intelligent robotics, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Building Information Modeling (BIM), and more. The activities are primarily directed towards companies operating in southern Poland.


Companies interested in collaboration will receive comprehensive advisory services in the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies, from the conceptual stage to the selection and implementation of solutions. They will undergo expert scanning, which involves analyzing the current state and potential, as well as benchmarking. Companies will have the opportunity to witness technologies adapted by leading national and international enterprises, undergo training and workshops preparing them for planning and implementing changes.


Examples of services include:

  • scanning (company potential analysis) and benchmarking conducted by experts
  • free training and workshops
  • study visits to leading national and international enterprises
  • implementation strategy
  • mentoring and advisory support from the conceptual stage to implementation.

The offer is addressed to all businesses, especially manufacturing ones, mainly from the Małopolskie, Śląskie, Podkarpackie, and Świętokrzyskie voivodeships.


DIH KPT’s comprehensive support point


Within DIH KPT, we will support entrepreneurs committed to introducing innovative Industry 4.0 technological solutions to their companies. We will serve as a comprehensive support point, a one-stop-shop for participating companies in the project.

What does this mean? Through collaboration with experienced and proven partners in the national and international markets, the Krakow DIH integrates and standardizes a range of services covering leading areas of Industry 4.0 technologies.


Project partners

Our partners are experienced technological companies: T-Mobile and ASTOR; Krakow universities: AGH and Krakow University of Technology; as well as specialists from the Cluster of Information Technology in Construction (BIM) and the Kościuszko Institute. The project is carried out as part of the competition “Standardization of services of Digital Innovation Hubs to support the digital transformation of enterprises” organized by the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology.

EIT Digital Venture Program
innovation support
EIT Digital Venture Program

EIT Digital is a leading European organization dealing with digital and educational innovations in the field of entrepreneurship.

As part of the partnership with EIT Digital, we support accessibility in the field of development, technology development and acquiring business partners.

EIT Digital invests in strategic areas to gain market access and scaling test processing technologies (deep technologies), focuses on strategic, social applications of Europe: digital technology, digital cities, digital industry, digital well-being and digital finance.



hub4industry - European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH)
innovation support
hub4industry - European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH)

The hub4industry, or EDIH of Krakow Technology Park helps businesses evolve towards the factory of the future. The project aims to enhance the market competitiveness of Polish companies through the implementation of modern technologies and solutions. Hub4industry clients receive comprehensive help in the area of Industry 4.0 solutions – from conception to implementation. They have the opportunity to see live demonstrations of technologies adopted by leading domestic and foreign enterprises, participate in training sessions, workshops preparing for planning and implementing sustainable changes.


The full range of hub services includes over 60 offerings, including business training and workshops, audits and consultancy, proof-of-concept implementation services, and support in finding investment financing sources. The offer is aimed at small and medium-sized (SME) manufacturing enterprises.


Examples of services include:

  • maturity diagnosis and digital transformation plans according to the ADMA methodology (comprehensive diagnosis, process analysis, initiative identification, ROI calculations),
  • free specialized technological training and workshops on robotics,
  • selection of enterprise management systems (ERP/MRP/MES),
  • technology transfer to enterprises (e.g., Renewable Energy, Foundry),
  • testing and implementation of technologies in the areas of robotics, automation, data analysis, telecommunication infrastructure (SD-LAN/WAN), cybersecurity, and others.


An example of the effects of cooperation with hub4industry is increased digitization of the enterprise, increased production efficiency and system reliability, improved cybersecurity, and enhanced qualifications of engineering staff.


Get inspired and make changes

hub4industry is not only a service provider but also an organizer of educational and networking events. Entrepreneurs can participate in study visits to modern factories, meet specialists, and share case studies of implemented solutions. Additionally, they can visit the Showroom of the Factory of the Future and see solutions in action.


Project partners

Our partners are experienced technological companies: ASTOR, T-Mobile Polska, ICsec, ReliaSol, and Entra Group, as well as universities: AGH University of Science and Technology and Krakow University of Technology, and experts from BIM Cluster and Krakow Institute of Technology (KIT) of the Łukasiewicz network. Together, we create a comprehensive support point with experts from various areas gathered around the project leader – Krakow Technology Park.


Project value (total project cost): 25,878,347.92 PLN
Amount of European Funds contribution: 23,795,962.34 PLN


EDIH ENG belka


The hub4industry project is co-financed by the European Commission under the “Digital Europe” program for 2021-2027 and co-financed with funds from the European Union under the European Funds for the Modern Economy 2021-2027 Program, Priority II, Innovation-Friendly Environment, Action 2.22 “Co-financing of EDIH activities.”

Expanding the range of competence, streamlining the operation, and promotion of Kraków Technology Park
training and education
Expanding the range of competence, streamlining the operation, and promotion of Kraków Technology Park

A project complementing the investment – Expanding the range of competence, streamlining the operation, and promotion of Kraków Technology Park (also financed from the Measure 1.3 of the SPO-WKP 2004-2006) – dealt with promotion and consulting. It concerned the preparation of promotional and training actions related to the KTP Technology Incubator being developed, and allowed preparing the database and information management system, and building the incubator’s website at together with its visual identification.


Initiated as part of the project was also the KTP Technology Incubator Council, i.e. a group of experts supporting the process of application to the incubator.

innovation startup
innovation support

FINEST SCALEUP Elevating the scalability potential of EU Smart Cities’ business for green and sustainable deep tech-based solutions


The FINEST SCALEUP project focuses on the lack of scale-up funding for startups from Developing Innovation Ecosystems, particularly those led by women and operating in the deep tech sector.

The project aims to create an innovative ecosystem in the Baltic Sea Region, encompassing Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, and Poland, referred to as BSR-5. The project leverages the scientific and empirical knowledge of the Finnish-Estonian macro-region to build and strengthen the innovation potential of gender-neutral deep tech entrepreneurship across the BSR-5.

The goal of the project is to establish an ecosystem that provides start-ups and entrepreneurs with a cross-border infrastructure for knowledge transfer, networking, and enhanced visibility and access to investment opportunities.


KPT’s Tasks in the Project:

  • Mapping innovation ecosystems in BSR-5 countries
  • Creating a repository of best practices
  • Providing assistance to investors and startups during the process of identifying investment opportunities and formalising the deal making


List of Partners:

  • Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
  • EIT Digital
  • Latvijas Jaunuznēmumu Asociacija
  • Fundacja Digital Knowledge Observatory
  • Krakowski Park Technologiczny
  • Viesoji Istaiga Inovaciju Agentura
  • Viesoji Istaiga Lietuvos Inovaciju Centras
  • MTÜ Eesti Äriinglite Assotsiatsioon


Funding Source: Horizon Europe, HORIZON-EIE-2022-SCALEUP-02, Project No. 101114356

Project Budget: €999,968.76

Start Date: 05.03.2024

End Date: 14.09.2026

Green & Digital EXCITE
business support training and education
Green & Digital EXCITE

Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Program is a cross-border exchange program that provides aspiring and new entrepreneurs with the opportunity to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other participating countries.

Project Coordinator: Agata Pietras

Total Project Implementation Cost: €140,023.20
Funding for KPT: €120,792.39, including €63,100 allocated for entrepreneur grants

Funding Source: Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs – junior call SMP-COSME-2024-EYEJR, organized by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA).

Project Duration: February 1, 2025 – January 31, 2028

innovation support

The GREENE 4.0 project supports manufacturing companies in finding solutions to various challenges, especially companies that are at risk of disruptions in the supply chain arising from international integration and introduction of new value chains. Transnational cooperation is key to the success of GREENE 4.0 in generating and piloting two new smart and green value chains. We will work with business support organisations, science centres, sector-based agencies, SMEs and public authorities on improving the innovation capabilities of regional ecosystems in order to support the transition into sustainable business models in the manufacturing sector of Central Europe. To achieve this objective, we will generate and test two new models of smart and green value chains, the GREENE 4.0 platform for digital innovations, transnational websites related to digital transformation, toolkits for open innovations and the Private Equity tool. We expect that over three years of cooperation, we will be able to jointly develop products and services designed to create new sustainable models of supply chains based on the open innovation approach. This will allow companies to expand their capabilities for innovation, development and application of smart and green technology and solutions.


The project is financed from the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Interreg Central Europe programme.


Partner List

Pomurje Technology Park

Bautzen Innovation Centre

University of Applied Sciences FH Kufstein Tirol

University of Ljubljana

Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyne v Usti nad Labem

Innovation Centre of Usti Region

Intellimech Consortium

Krakowski Park Technologiczny

IFKA Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd.



Project Description

Subject A smart and ecological approach to innovation aimed at scaling the potential of digital transformation in Central Europe

Specific Objective SO 1.1 Strengthening regional innovation capacities in Central Europe

Role Project partner

Project Coordinator Urszula Woźniak

Project team Marcin Wilk, Kacper Miodoński, Agata Grochal-Kolarska



Source of Funding Interreg Central Europe

Project Budget 2,253,720.00 €

Start Date 01/03/2023

End Date 28/02/2026

InnoRegioMalopolska – enhancing Regional Innovation Strategy in Małopolska
economic promotion
research and reports
InnoRegioMalopolska – enhancing Regional Innovation Strategy in Małopolska

Besides projects related to the idea of integration within the special economic zone, the KTP conducted also projects related to the development of the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS), financed from the 6th Framework Programme – InnoRegioMalopolska and Cognac. In both projects, the KTP played the role of partner in international consortia. InnoRegioMalopolska – enhancing Regional Innovation Strategy in Małopolska concerned the reinforcement of the region’s innovation strategy, and was conducted with partners from Poland, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Germany.


The KTP conducted an insightful research of Małopolska SME sector for the needs and knowledge of the institutional potential of the region. The data gathered in this way was used for the drafting of the “report on demand for innovation in Małopolska Region”. The project made it possible to conduct study visits in partner organisations in Italy and the United Kingdom, which played the role of advisers. Conducted in the final stage of the project were two pilot programmes: Design Centre in Małopolska, and Specialist Meetings for scientists and practitioners in individual fields.

Innovation broker as a tool for effective development of the system of Małopolska’s modern economy
business support
Innovation broker as a tool for effective development of the system of Małopolska’s modern economy

The project was conducted in partnership between the Office of the Marshal of Małopolska Region and Kraków Technology Park. Its goal was to establish a modern model of collaboration between science and business, known as the “innovation broker” model.


A testing innovative project, the Innovation Broker was conducted in two stages. The first covered the preparations aimed at diagnosing the problem and working out the initial version of the model of brokerage. It comprised three offices (Centre for the Collaboration Network (CSW), Back Office for Intermediary Links (ZOP), and the Centre for Technologic Forecasts (OPT)), which provided support to the appropriate target group, ranging from cluster initiatives, via scientists and students, to small and medium-size enterprises operating in the region. The second stage of project implementation covered the testing of the initial model, its dissemination and inclusion into the region’s policy. Testing envisages primarily training and advice for the SME sector, including spin-offs and spin-outs, and also for the “intermediary links” in the process of technology commercialisation, i.e. technology transfer centres, incubators, and technology parks.

The model built thanks to the implementation of the project provided a significant contribution to the policy of innovation support and development in Małopolska. Its implementation helps to create experience- and knowledge-based economy. The broker system also helps to reinforce the Regional System of Innovation, being currently one of the key factors in development of our region.

The Innovation Broker as a tool for effective development of the system of Małopolska’s modern economy is co-financed from the European Social Fund as part of the Priority 8 of the Human Capital Operational Programme (2007–2013).

business support innovation support

Project, in which KPT acts as a project partner is focused on challenge-driven promotion of healthy living, INTEGER will bring forward three important innovations for the development of more robust, sustainable, inclusive and integrative EU innovation ecosystems: The INTEGER 4 Helix Collaboratory mode, a EU Healthy Living Collaboratory and a new professional profile, the ‘collaber’ or ‘collaboratory manager’. The project gives also new approach towards innovations and its main focus is put to the social impact of the innovations. One of the aims of the project is to boost win-win games between business and social oriented innovations addressing common challenges.


Project coordinator: Agnieszka Podkowa, (

Project team: Agnieszka Włodarczyk-Gębik, Anna Jabłońska

EU contribution: € 499 920.45

Start date: 1 February 2023

End date: 31 January 2025


Invest in Małopolska
economic promotion
business support
Invest in Małopolska

Invest in Małopolska is a project conducted by Kraków Technology Park, Małopolska Regional Development Agency (MARR) and Małopolska Region as part of the Business in Małopolska joint initiative.

The goal of the project was to create a powerful economic position of Małopolska on international stage by presenting its investment and business potential. Partners in the project presented to potential investors the economic opportunities in Małopolska during the missions to the United States, Japan, China, Korea, Israel, and India.


During the campaign encompassing the production and presentation of an advertising film, information, materials, and organisation of events in Poland and abroad, the project partners focused primarily on the modern. Presented for the first time during the Economic Forum in Krynica in 2009, the multimedia sculpture Małopolska Tree of Innovation and Investment designed by Aleksander Janicki became the symbol of the economy of our region.

KPT Poland Prize
game dev ICT startup
innovation support
KPT Poland Prize

The aim of the project is to increase the level of innovation in the economy, particularly in sectors such as Industry 4.0 and gamedev, by bringing 40 foreign startups to Poland by the end of 2023. Twenty-six of them will represent the gaming industry, while fourteen will focus on Industry 4.0.


The project includes three editions of acceleration programs for international teams: two editions will focus on young talents in the gaming industry, and one will target startups with projects addressing challenges in the field of Industry 4.0. Each edition will involve a 3-month soft landing and team development process, a 6-month acceleration of startups, preparing them for commercial collaboration with business partners, and finally, post-acceleration support. During the three acceleration editions, startups will follow a specially designed development path, achieving milestones related to the development of their products. The project is a response to market challenges, the increasing importance of industrial innovations, and the dynamic growth of the gaming industry.


While KPT is the leader of the project, significant roles will be played by business partners interested in supporting selected startups that address challenges defined by them. In the process of recruiting participants for development programs, KPT will conduct extensive scouting activities on a global scale.


Partnerzy biznesowi


Branża gier 


Crunching Koalas

Smok Ventures Sp. z o.o.


Vivid Games S.A.

Satus Games Sp. z o.o.



Przemysł 4.0 

Lafarge Cement S.A.

Woodward Poland Sp. z o. o.

Astor sp. z o. o.

Grupa Azoty S.A.


Rola KPT: lider projektu

Koordynator projektu Łukasz Leszczyński,

Czas trwania projektu: 01.03.2021-31.10.2023

Budżet projektu: 11 298 820,33 zł

Źródło finansowania Działanie 2.5, Programy akceleracyjne – Poland Prize, Program Operacyjny Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020, Europejski Fundusz Rozwoju Regionalnego

KPT ScaleUp
innovation support
KPT ScaleUp

KPT ScaleUp is one of the 10 nationwide accelerators implemented as part of the Start In Poland program. Its aim is to prepare selected startups for implementation in large companies and to scale up their businesses. The program is conducted on-site within the premises of the Krakow Technology Park.


KPT ScaleUp involves a 13-week acceleration process for two groups of small firms. Selected startups receive expert support, the opportunity to test their products in large enterprises, and a grant of up to PLN 200,000.


In the two pilot editions of KPT ScaleUp, 23 startups specializing in innovations in the fields of Industry 4.0 and smart cities participated. The program’s implementation is supported by 13 industrial partners, including EC Grupa and Krakow Airport as strategic partners.




1st edition:

  • Airly
  • Argas
  • Bioseco
  • Blast Lab
  • Embetech
  • FlowPIN
  • General Robotics
  • Lantalux
  • Seedia
  • Sense
  • Simpro

2nd edition:

  • Amage Systems
  • Cervi Robotics
  • GetAnna
  • Insignes Labs
  • IOT System
  • Locky
  • Optical Electronics
  • QuickerSim
  • Shapespark
  • Smart Schedules
  • TMA Labs
  • ZEME Technologies\


  • Budimex
  • EC Grupa
  • Fideltronik
  • Kraków Airport
  • Oknoplast
  • Protech
  • Radionika
  • Siemens
  • Supersnow
  • Syntaj
  • Woodward

Project Coordinator: Bartosz Józefowski (

Project Duration: January 27, 2017 – April 26, 2018

Project Budget: PLN 5,999,995.58

The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Program Smart Growth 2014-2020.

innovation support

KPT ScaleUP is an Industry 4.0 accelerator conducted as part of the Start In Poland program.

The accelerator’s goal is to strengthen industrial startups equipped with at least a B2B product prototype. Accelerated startups receive:


Six months of support in the form of a non-refundable grant of up to PLN 200,000.


A training and mentoring package valued at PLN 50,000.


The opportunity for direct collaboration and implementation of their solutions with a large company, a partner of the KPT ScaleUP accelerator.


The ultimate result of the six-month acceleration is the enhancement of institutional potential for startups, as well as the commercialization and implementation of innovative products or services for the industry (Industry 4.0, IIoT, AI, AR).


We aim to prepare your company for implementation in large firms and assist in scaling up your business!


Partners of the KPT ScaleUP accelerator include:

  • Grupa Azoty
  • Grupa Tauron
  • Grupa VOX
  • JMP Flowers
  • Lafarge Polska
  • VelvetCare
  • Voxel
  • Werner Kenkel
  • Woodward
  • Warbud

Accelerated startups:


3rd edition:

  • 1000 realities
  • AI Force 1
  • Bilberry
  • ExMetrix
  • Headtrip
  • IcSec
  • Optimatik
  • PayTicon
  • Proxigroup
  • S-Labs
  • Techocean

4th edition:

  • Edward – AI powered Sales Assistant
  • Addepto
  • Advanced Protection Systems
  • io
  • assess24
  • com
  • Infracht LabControl
  • MC2 Energy Solutions
  • Nanobots Software
  • NNT
  • nsFlow
  • Packaging Solutions
  • Qviat
  • Random Forest Consulting
  • Roboticon
  • SEEDiA
  • Tech.

Project coordinators:

Bartosz Józefowski (

Angelika Popławska (apoplawska@kpt.krakowpl)


The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Program Smart Growth 2014-2020.


Małopolska Information Technology Park – Innovation Centre of Kraków Technology Park
Małopolska Information Technology Park – Innovation Centre of Kraków Technology Park

The object of the Małopolska Information Technology Park – Innovation Centre of Kraków Technology Park project was the construction of Małopolska Information Technology Park (MITP) in Pychowice. Being the largest and most important investment of Kraków Technology Park, the MITP was focused on information technologies.

The centre became one of the most important instruments for building modern economy in Małopolska and Poland. It is Poland’s most modern hub gathering and supporting businesses related to information and communication technologies (ICT). Moreover, the MITP provides space for collaboration of businesses, research units, and local and regional authorities, and material seat and support for small and medium-size enterprises from the IT sector.

The total cost of investment amounts to PLN 141 280 274.18 zł,, of which PLN 113 444 966.29 are eligible costs of the project from the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Innovative Economy Operational Programme, Measure 5.3.

training and education

Möbius is an initiative funded under EU’s Horizon 2000 programme. Its aim is to modernise the European publishing sector by renewing the traditional value chains and business models. The introduction of advanced technological solutions and media functions such as images or background sounds will allow readers to enrich their experience and expand their knowledge on a variety of topics. The project supports the digital transformation of the EU publishing sector by providing and testing innovative methods and tools designed to take advantage of the potential of prosumers for process innovation to guarantee new, user-oriented services enhanced with ground-breaking media experiences.


Möbius gathers highly complementary, multidisciplinary and intersectoral technology partners and partners with experience in publishing. The Möbius consortium is made up of 11 partners located across four EU member states: Italy (1), Spain (2), Germany (3) and Belgium (5).


In addition, two Brussels-based international organisations, the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) and the Federation of European Publishers (FEP), are responsible for organising pilot activities in at least two European regions not covered by the project.


Krakowski Park Technologiczny (KPT), in cooperation with Laurea AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU OY (LAUREA), are to organise two pilot testing editions of the Möbius application among its potential users. The Kraków team of Living Labs will conduct the tests at KPT’s request in Poland. The tests will also be conducted among readers in Belgium, Italy, Spain and Germany.


List of Partners

(Role) – Partner (Country)

(P2) DEN INSTITUTE (Belgium)


Project description

Subject Design of a strategy for integrating the traditional publishing sector with technological innovations

Name of priority axis IA – Innovation Action

Detailed aim To test the functionality and usability of the Möbius application in Poland among many different stakeholders.

Role Third Party (Project Partner)

Project coordinator Agnieszka Włodarczyk-Gębik, +48123453212,, project team Urszula Woźniak and Dawid Zięba

Source of funding H2020 Framework Program for Research and Technological Development, European Health and Digital Executive Agency: Digital, Industry and Space



Project budget 5.500.460,00€

Start date 1 March 2021

End date 29 February 2024


My 2 minutes
My 2 minutes

The project under the name My 2 minutes was addressed primarily to young creative people with interesting ideas for activity and future careers. The participants of the project were to make a presentation of their business idea, so as to intrigue the recipients in a period shorter than 2 minutes mentioned in the title. The project was inspired by American mini-presentations known under the name of Elevator Pitch.


The project was conducted in partnership with the National Bank of Poland (NBP) and the Office of the Education Supervisor in Kraków, and co-financed from the funds of the National Bank of Poland.

Network of collaboration for the development of academic entrepreneurship in new technologies
training and education
Network of collaboration for the development of academic entrepreneurship in new technologies

Another project closely related to the idea of the development of the KTP technology incubator in Kraków Technology Park was the project under the name Network of collaboration for the development of academic entrepreneurship in new technologies financed from the Measure 2.6 of the Integrated Regional Development Operational Programme 2004-2006. The main goal of the initiative was to train the applicants and select the best ideas, for which specialist analysis and business plans were prepared.


Moreover, authors of the best business concepts received also the right to use the offices and infrastructure of the incubator free of charge for six months. The two rounds of the project provided training in founding businesses, sources of financing, preparation of initial business plans, and marketing of the innovative product for nearly 200 participants. Each workshop was a two-day-long meeting conducted at institutions of higher education being partners of the project: AGH University of Science and Technology and Kraków University of Technology (PK). Besides the workshops, the participants had also an opportunity to participate in individual consultations.

The project involved a publication promoting the firms established thanks to the initiative. An additional form of promotion was the conference held to recapitulate of the project.

Power up your Business in Małopolska
economic promotion
training and education
Power up your Business in Małopolska

Kraków Technology Park (KPT) is a partner in Power up your Business in Małopolska, a project conducted as part of the activity of the Business in Małopolska Centre. The leader of the project is the Małopolska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego SA (Małopolska Regional Development Agency) and the other partner – Kraków – Nowa Huta Przyszłości SA.

The goal behind the project is to promote selected areas of economy and reinforce the image of Małopolska in this aspect on the international stage. Power up your Business in Małopolska encompasses among others:

  • participation in fairs and informational, promotional and economic mission events to countries including Spain, Germany, France, Kazakhstan, Iran, China, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam
  • workshops, meetings, and conferences with participation of experts in commercial exchange for regional entrepreneurs, exporters, and territorial authority units
  • reports, catalogues, publications, an economic journal, and websites for entrepreneurs and trade partners
  • promotion of foreign investments, development of a database of investment offers, global promotion of the regional cooperation offer.

Who for: the project is addressed to Małopolska businesses that are already involved in export or consider starting foreign sales, to businesses interested in investments, particularly in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, and to representatives of territorial authorities who would like to improve tools for investor care.

Deliverables: the basic deliverable is the support for Małopolska export and an increase in the number of foreign investors in the region. The project will also reinforce the image of the region as a place where regional branches of economy are developed with the use of modern and innovative technologies.

Documents and forms: click here.


Duration: 1 February 2016 – 31 December 2018.

Project value: PLN 8,830,511.88

Contribution from European Funds: PLN 7,505,935.10

KPT project value: PLN 1,978,054

Contribution from European Funds: PLN 1,901,975.00

Source of financing: Regional Operational Programme for Małopolska Region 2014–2020



Production optimization through 3D printing (3DoP)
innovation support
Production optimization through 3D printing (3DoP)

The project will pursue the following objectives:


  • Identification of the current use and maturity levels of 3D printing in the region. Formulation of a roadmap.
  • Creation of a demonstrative line of products produced using 3D printing.
  • Exchange of best practices, standards, and initiatives related to 3D printing, its applications, and utilization methods.
  • Support for the transfer of technology and innovation from research to business.
  • Dissemination of information about project activities, benefits for companies derived from the application of 3D printing, presentation of best practices, and business models.
  • The consortium consists of a total of 33 institutions, companies, and universities tasked with activities in various applications of 3D printing technology. KPT is one of two partners from Poland.


The area related to 3D printing is attractive and widely utilized in Europe, but few companies and institutions use it to conduct their own business. The project aims to provide necessary knowledge and access to know-how, as well as convey the benefits of using 3D printing and implementing it in business practices, including as a means to optimize production. It is noteworthy that the project is funded by a completely new financial instrument called “Interregional Innovation Investments (I3),” and KPT participates in the first consortium to receive funding from it.


Project Coordinator: Agnieszka Podkowa (

Project Team: Dawid Zięba, Agata Grochal-Kolarska 

Project Budget: €14,090,116.29

Start Date: 01/01/2023

End Date: 31/12/2025



innovation support

The goal behind project is to launch transnational cooperation to promote RIS3 strategy (research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation) by developing a transnational support structure within the framework of Digital Innovation Hubs. This will make it possible to develop lasting connections between RIS3 stakeholders and to promote strategic cooperation based on the triple helix method and including the quadruple helix.



– to build a functional, trans-sectoral and transnational technology excellency centres

– to initiate cooperation in the area of RIS3 on transnational level, and to map technology trends and priorities for Central and Eastern Europe

– to set up a permanent transnational Digital Innovation Hub for RIS3, to exchange knowledge and innovation based on priorities of technological areas

– to develop recommendations for policies, including thematic priorities for transnational cooperation in RIS3, and to reinforce project results based on pilot implementations.


The project consortium consists of 10 partners representing countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Austria, Germany, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia). Additionally, there are 10 regional associated partners participating in the project.


List of partners:

(role) – Partner (country)

LP1 – Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (Austria)

PP2 – Forschung Burgenland GmbH (Austria)

PP3 – Bwcon GmbH (Germany)

PP4 – Frauenhofer Institut for Machine Tools and Forming Technology (Germany)

PP5 – Intellimech Consortium (Italy)

PP6 – Ecipa – Training and Service Agency Limited Liability Consortium (Italy)

PP7 – Kraków Technology Park (Poland)

PP8 – Slovenian Tool and Die Development Center (Slovenia)

PP9 – Pannon Business Network Association (Hungary)

PP10 – Croatian Chamber of Economy (Croatia)


Role: project partner

Project coordinator: Monika Machowska, + 48 668 005 061, e-mail:

Project team: Agnieszka Włodarczyk, Urszula Woźniak, Barbara Wityńska-Słącz, Agata Grochal-Kolarska

Source of financing: EU funds from Interact Central Europe, 2014–2020 Programme

Programme website:

Project budget: EUR 1,680,562.91

Start date: 01/03/2019

End date: 28/02/2022


„KTP Investor Network as a platform for supporting investments in SMEs”
economic promotion
business support
„KTP Investor Network as a platform for supporting investments in SMEs”

The investor network of the Kraków Technology Park is a project of national reach. It answered the capital needs of innovative entrepreneurs and provides a particular matching platform for people and innovative ideas, and institutions and business people aware of their financial capacity.


The KTP investor network focused especially on the sectors related to information sciences and technologies, telecommunications, automation, and communication technologies.

innovation support

Society in Innovation and Science through CODEsign

Project acronym: SISCODE


The purpose of SISCODE is to introduce project methodology and tools, including the Living Lab methodology, to the planning and responsible management of research and innovation by developing effective mechanisms and instruments supporting shared design and development of innovative solutions. This will have new solutions and policies smoothly moving on to their implementation.

The SISCODE project concentrates on the process of co-creation and its role in the implementation of Public Engagement (PE) and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). Such political goals call for early involvement of multiple actors, public included, in science and innovation, whereas public engagement hardly ever continues beyond the stage of consultations. In this context, emergence of the concept of co-creation calls for special attention, as it is strictly linked to Social Innovation (SI). The grassroots process and community (i.e. public) elements of co-creation have a potential to support co-creation of solutions by multiple stakeholders, with public administration, private sector, and community interacting one with another.

SISCODE will compare 40 ecosystems for developing social innovation, serving locals, business, and administration throughout Europe. In turn, 15 ecosystems will be analysed in detail for processes of co-creation of innovative solutions for the involvement of local, regional, and national stakeholders in the process of implementing EU policies in matters relevant for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). The selection of best practices will be based on an investigation of various cultural, institutional and regulatory frameworks within which innovations are developed, and of their level of technological maturity and location in the process of transfer from the academia to business. Special attention in the analysis of ecosystems will be devoted to the interactions between management models, understanding of the impact of various cultural and institutional frameworks, specific features of stakeholder groups participating in public innovation, as well as public and social challenges which the recommended innovative solutions answer.

The project will result in the development of 10 innovation development laboratories at supra-national level based on the experience, and standards and practices developed by three European networks: the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL), the Fab Labs international network, and Ecsite | the European Network of Science Centres and Museums. Laboratories will implement various concepts of co-creation and practical solutions answering specific challenges in the process of social integration in the field of science and innovation.

SISCODE will use the innovative potential of local, regional, and national policymakers by providing best solutions – ones that already exist between living laboratories represented by three independent lab networks – and also the creation of a pan-European model of cooperation guaranteeing scalability and repeatability of methodology and tools in the scope of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) aligned with the EU policy. Such steps should make a positive impact on technology transfer between key subjects of innovation systems.


The scope of tasks embraced by the Kraków Technology Park (KPT): Besides active participation in project tasks at all the stages of the project, the Kraków Technology Park is particularly responsible for the organisation of events disseminating the development best practices in public innovation, notably in the areas of health and physical fitness construed as part of the Smart City concept (hackathons, workshops, open days, and other).


The project is financed from Horizon 2020 funds, as part of the Research and Innovation Action (RIA)

The SISCODE project consortium consists of partners, who are perfectly well balanced institutionally and geographically to demonstrate the greatest variety of the tools applied and practices developed as well as the broadest possible scope of expansion (by ensuring access to the greatest number of entities, whether public or private, at regional and national levels).

SISCODE have partners come from 13 countries of Europe: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.


List of partners

(role) – Partner (country)

(LP) Politecnico di Milano (Italy)

(P1) Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricera Europea (Italy)

(P2) Technische Universitat Dortmund (Germany)

(P3) Association Europeenne des Expositions Scientifiques Techniques et Industrielles (Belgium)

(P4) Stichting Museum Voor Industrie en Samenleving (the Netherlands)

(P5) Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovacao – Consultadoria Empresarial e Fomento da Inovacao S.A. (Portugal)

(P6) Institute d’Arquitectura Avancada de Catalunya ( Spain)

(P7) Ciencia Viva –Agencia Nacional Para A Cultura Cientifica e Tecnologica (Portugal)

(P8) Association Traces Theories et Reflexions sur l Apprendre la Communication et l Education Scientifiques (France)

(P9) Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece)

(P10) University College London (UK)

(P11) Biosense Institute – Research and Development Institute for Information Technologies in Biosystems (Serbia)

(P12) The Provost, Fellows, Foundation Scholars & The Other Members of Board of the College of the Holy & Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin (Ireland)

(P13) Krakowski Park Technologiczny / Kraków Technology Park (Poland)

(P14) Dansk Design Centre (Denmark)

(P15) Makea Industries Gmbh (Germany)

(P16) Foreningen Maker (Denmark)

(P17) European Network of Living Labs (Belgium)


Project description

Name: Society in Innovation and Science through CODEsign

Role: Project Partner

Project Coordinator: Agnieszka Włodarczyk, +48 12 345 32 12,

Project team: Monika Machowska, Aleksandra Gabriel, Joanna Prusak-Cieślik

Source of financing: European Union funds from Horizon 2020 programme: Research and Innovation Framework Programme, contract No. 788217







Project budget: € 3,999,268.8

Starting date: 01/05/2018

Closing date: 30/04/2021




SMART_KOM. Kraków in Smart Cities Network
smart city
research and reports
SMART_KOM. Kraków in Smart Cities Network

The project „SMART_KOM. Kraków in Smart Cities Network” was conducted by a partnership of Krakow Technology Park, the Malopolska Voivodeship, the Municipality of Kraków and two international partners – Vienna University of Technology and Forum Virium Helsinki.

By conducting the project, the partners aim at building a strong position of Kraków and its metropolitan area (Kraków Metropolitan Area, “KMA”) by joining European cooperation networks, which deal with smart city issues.


Download the document

Smart Circuit
innovation support
Smart Circuit

The Smart Circuit project extends the competences of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) in order to promote the principle of circular economy (CE).

While manufacturing is an important link in Central Europe, it is also resource-intensive and generates a significant amount of waste and emissions, especially in value chains related to the electronics, construction, and textile sectors.


By bringing together DIHs, partners of the project will be able to learn about best practices and enhance their circular manufacturing potential.


The direct aim of the project is to analyse, develop and support the role of DIH-oriented organisations in the development and implementation of CE.


The project will support actions related to transforming the manufacturing industry towards a smarter and more sustainable development. These actions will involve:


  • Improving the potential of innovation and cooperation in this respect by strengthening transnational innovation networks between DIHs;
  • Helping small and medium enterprises to better integrate the CE principles;
  • Exchanging good practices, standards and initiatives related to Industry 5.0 and CE in manufacturing;
  • Implementing pilot initiatives to test and design support services;
  • Supporting the transfer of technology and innovation from science to business.

We expect to create and design innovative solutions and services over three years of cooperation, which will allow DIHs to enhance the manufacturing ecosystem in Central Europe and direct it towards a more ecological and competitive future.


The project is financed from the European Regional Development Fund as part of the Interreg Central Europe programme.


Partner List

Krakowski Park Technologiczny

Forschung Burgenland GmbH


Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.

microTEC Südwest e.V.

SIIT Distretto Tecnologico Ligure Sistemi Intelligenti Integrati

COMET Scrl – Cluster Metalmeccanica Friuli Venezia Giulia

TECOS, Razvojni center orodjarstva Slovenije

Pannon Gazdasági Hálózat Egyesület

Technická univerzita v Košiciach

Intemac Solutions s.r.o.

HGK VZ Hrvatska gospodarska komora


Project Description

Subject Cooperation for a more ecological Central Europe

Specific Objective SO 2.3 Development of circular economy in Central Europe

Role Project Leader

Project Coordinator Agnieszka Włodarczyk-Gębik

Project Team Urszula Woźniak, Aldona Chwalik Raczyńska



Source of Funding Interreg Central Europe

Project Budget 2,468,803.00 €

Start Date 01/04/2023

End Date 31/03/2026

innovation support training and education

Startup of the SOILL support structure for SOIL Living Labs


Description of the project: The main goal of the project is to facilitate the implementation of innovative solutions in the agricultural sector and transition to the use of healthy soils by 2030. Its assumptions are thus in line with the European strategy of green transformation, caring for the planet’s natural resources, and striving to establish a circular economy. The detailed objectives of the project include:


  • Establishment of a coordinating structure supporting and promoting a network of 100 Soil Health Living Labs (SHLL) and Soil Health Lighthouses (SHLH), operating according to uniform procedures, offering training packages and tools supporting green transformation.
  • Strengthening the potential of research units and business environment institutions as ambassadors and practitioners of green transformation, whose competencies will facilitate regional transformation in line with the assumptions of the climate package.
  • Establishment of an online competence center for actions aimed at achieving climate neutrality and implementing the “A Soil Deal for Europe” strategy.
  • Mutual learning, joint organization of events, exchange of contacts, experiences, and inspirations.
  • Regular monitoring and evaluation of SHLL and SHLH, taking into account regional and supraregional regulations and legal acts.


The project is implemented by a consortium consisting of 29 organizations from 13 European countries. It is led by the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL), an independent non-profit association bringing together nearly 300 members from the scientific community, business environment institutions, and technological companies.


KPT tasks in the project:

  • Conducting training on living lab methodology.
  • Providing training services in the use of new technologies to improve the climate.
  • Conducting demonstration, advisory, and information-promotional activities.


List of partners:

  • European Network of Living Labs (lider projektu)
  • Climate-KIC Holding B.V.
  • European Regions Research and Innovation Network
  • Trust-IT Srl
  • LGI Sustainable Innovation
  • Aarhus Universitet
  • European Food Information Council
  • Centro Internazionale di Alti Studi Agronomici Mediterranei
  • Okologiai Mezogazdasagi Kutatointezet Kozhasznu Nonprofit KFT
  • Asociación Industrias de Conocimiento y Tecnologia
  • Eigen Vermogen van het Instituut voor Landbouw- en visserijonderzoek
  • EIT Food
  • European Landowners Organization
  • International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements EU Regional Group
  • European Environmental Bureau
  • European Forest Institute
  • Water Europe
  • Association des Villes et Regions pour la Gestion Durable des Ressources
  • FiBL Europe – Forschungsinstitut für Biologischen Landbau in Europa
  • FiBL France
  • Biosense Institute – Research & Development Institute for IT in Biosystems
  • Krakowski Park Technologiczny Sp. z o. o.
  • Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis
  • Gemeente Eindhoven
  • Stichting Deltares
  • Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l’analisi dell’Economia Agraria
  • Fundación Instituto Internacional de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial
  • Cranfield University
  • University of Lancaster



KPT role: Project Partner

Project coordinator: Monika Machowska

Project team: Agnieszka Włodarczyk-Gębik, Aldona Chwalik Raczyńska

Funding source: Horizon Europe, HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-SGA-01, project no. 101145592

Total project budget: €3,430,893.75

Start date: 01/01/2024

End date: 12/31/2025

State of Polish Video Game Industry 2017
game dev
research and reports
State of Polish Video Game Industry 2017

The goal of the authors of this publication was to prepare a comprehensive report that would allow a broad spectrum of people to understand the current specificity of the Polish video game market in light of global trends, by – among other things – presenting the current profile of gamers in Poland, the value of the video games industry and the key components contributing to that value


System of Małopolska’s modern economy
economic promotion
business support
System of Małopolska’s modern economy

The project was conducted in collaboration between Kraków Technology Park and Małopolska Region – the leader of the project, as part of the Integrated Regional Development Operational Programme, Measure 2.6. The project made it possible to tighten the cooperation links between the worlds of science and business, and also to construct a communication platform for projects supporting development of innovation. The main recipients of the projects were the Małopolska SME circles, businesses involved in the creation and development of clustering initiatives and R&D, and academic milieus.


The following were completed as part of the project:

  • image campaign of the regional system of modern economy, which included a TV spot, a supplement to Dziennik Polski regional daily, press ads, and a press release on the project
  • workshop and training that provided specialist knowledge on the functioning and organisation of innovation centres, and the manner of collaboration between these centres
  • information database on modern economy available from the Wrota Małopolski website, and community information exchange mechanisms implemented with it.
Technology Perspective Kraków–Małopolska 2020
research and reports
Technology Perspective Kraków–Małopolska 2020

Aiming at building modern knowledge- and experience-based economy, Kraków Technology Park was the initiator of Technology Perspective Kraków–Małopolska 2020 research programme. Invited to cooperate were also the authorities of Małopolska Region, business and commercial chambers, and an array of Kraków universities: the Jagiellonian University, the AGH University of Science and Technology, and Kraków University of Technology (PK). The project was conducted from October 2008 to January 2011.


Following the study conducted according to the globally popular foresight method, a list of 10 technologies most significant for the development of Małopolska was generated together with scenarios necessary for their implementation. Moreover, the programme showed also the directions that scientific studies in Małopolska universities and research institutions should follow.

Toulouse Innovation Adventure
space technology startup
Toulouse Innovation Adventure

Download the Regulations: TIA – regulamin 2019

Transnational Technology Transfer Enterprise Agents
training and education
Transnational Technology Transfer Enterprise Agents

The general objective of the project is to increase and upgrade skills and competences of European SMEs in the field of transnational technology transfer and accelerate public and private stakeholder organizations in increasing their responsiveness to SMEs skills needs. In particular the aim of the project is to mind the gap between SMEs and transnational technology innovation processes (simplify technological and R&D language + set up a skill needs identification mechanisms to accelerate training processes and subsequent transfer initiatives), establish a permanent, evolving & multi-actor training mechanism which will allow to respond to the needs of SME’s staff as well as of professionals working with/for SME’s and moreover to increase institutional capacity and awareness of responsible actors of industrial, technological and training policies about the role of transnational technology transfer for SMEs

There are 4 phases of the project:

Phase 1 – State of the Art of existing training mechanisms facilitating the role of technology transfer in SMEs

Phase 2 – Based on evidences of phase 1, partners will cooperate in Creating a Transnational Training Course Blue Print.

Phase 3 – Joint Learning Platform for Transnational Technology Transfer Enterprise Agents: the e-learning hub for transnational tech transfer professionals

Phase 4 – Creation of Training & Policy Guidelines


About the Programme:

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train gain experience, and volunteers abroad. Erasmus + is based on the achievements of European educational programs, which functioned for 25 years, and is the result of a combination of the following European initiatives undertaken by the European Commission in 2007-2013: the “Learning for Life” program “Youth in Action” program, Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink and cooperation programs with industrialized countries in higher education.


The project is implemented under the new Programme of the European Union Erasmus + 2014-2020: Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices.


Web page:


List of the Partners:

CSMT Gestione (Leader), Italy

COPAN (project partner), Italy

PolymerMAT (project partner), Germany

POMURSKI TEHNOLOSKI PARK (project partner), Promurje, Slowenia

Campus 2 (project partner), Austria

Evolaris (project partner), Austria

KPT (project partner), Poland


Project Manager: Agnieszka Włodarczyk, Phone. +48 12 345 32 12,

Duration: 3. 10.2016 – 06.02.2019 (32 months)

Budget: 417 215,00 euro

Financing:  Erasmus +

This project has been funded with support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union


business support

Watify was a non-profit initiative run by the European Commission. It was a project encouraging entrepreneurs to switch to digital technologies.

Watify appointed its national partners who promote and disseminate it in their respective states. One of them was the Kraków Technology Park (KPT) promoting the project, among others, by organising inspiring events related to digital entrepreneurship.



phone 12 640 19 40

fax 12 640 19 45

Krakowski Park Technologiczny sp. z o.o.

ul. Podole 60

30-394 Kraków

NIP 675-11-57-834

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