The board
Andrzej Kulig
president of the boardJacek Jankowski
vice-president of the boardKrystian Jarubas
vice-president of the boardinvestor support department
service for the investors, the economic zone and Polish Investment ZoneŁukasz Blacha
investor support department directorBartłomiej Kocurek
investor support department vice-directorJustyna Czyszek
investor support department vice-directorinvestor support department
Jacek Liguziński
investor support department teamTomasz Wieliczko
investor support departmentJustyna Pogoda
investor support department teamBeata Kudrys
investor support department teamAlicja Ryczaj-Kmita
Control and Reporting MattersGabriela Szeremeta
Control and Reporting MattersKarolina Rzepecka
investor support department teamCooperation with Local Government Units
Małgorzata Regulska
Cooperation with Local Government UnitsJarosław Komorniczak
Cooperation with Local Government UnitsLegal team for Polish Investment Zone
Magda Tabor
legal teamControl and Reporting Matters
Aneta Zych
Control and Reporting MattersArkadiusz Lorek
Control and Reporting Matterstechnology park department
incubation, acceleration, office space rental, video games industry, billing and financeMonika Machowska
technology park department directorBartosz Józefowski
technology park department vice-directorAnna Krampus-Sepielak
technology park department vice-directortechnology incubator
Sonia Bazan
technology incubator team managerJarosław Chojnacki
technology incubator teamMaria Zakrzewska
technology incubator teamAgata Pietras
games sector support team/incubationsustainable development team
Agnieszka Włodarczyk-Gębik
sustainable development team managerUrszula Woźniak
sustainable development teamAgnieszka Podkowa
company support and development teamKinga Sepielak
company support and development teamKacper Miodoński
company support and development teamcompany support and development team
Dawid Zięba
company support and development team managerAnna Wojciechowska
company support and development teamPaulina Piwowarczyk
company support and development teamMarcin Wilk
company support and development teamgames sector support
Maciej Śliwiński
games sector support teamIgor Gałkowski
games sector support teamDawid Szopa
games sector support teamAnna Małecka
games sector support teamŁukasz Leszczyński
games sector support team manager/accelerationMałgorzata Marzęcka
games sector support team/accelerationKlaudia Stawska-Magdziak
games sector support team/accelerationPaulina Pyzioł
games sector support team/accelerationaccelerator
Angelika Popławska
accelerator team managerAgata Skolmowska-Wójs
accelerator teamMałgorzata Chmielewska
accelerator teamDigital Innovation Hub
Daniel Kessler
Digital Innovation Hub team managerAleksandra Błaszczak
Digital Innovation Hub teamKatarzyna Wiecha-Kokot
Digital Innovation Hub teamWojciech Przywała
Digital Innovation Hub teamadministration and infrastructure department
reception, building maintenance, conference rooms rentalRafał Skrzypczyk
administration and infrastructure department directorArtur Marek
administration and infrastructure department vicedirectoradministration and infrastructure
Monika Mazur
administration and infrastructure teamKatarzyna Sarot
administration and infrastructure teamMagdalena Poznańska
administration and infrastructure teamKatarzyna Widłak
administration and infrastructure teamDamian Szwed
administration and infrastructure teamsecretarial and reception
Olaf Różański
secretarial and reception teamMagda Poznańska
secretariat of the boardSabina Sroka
secretariat of the boardSylwia Szczepanowicz
secretariat of the boardboard office department
legal services, project accounting, public procurement and HRMarcin Nalepa
board office directorAgata Grochal-Kolarska
board office vice-directorHR and accounting
Monika Budek
HR and accountingPaulina Świerczek
HR and accountingMarzena Piechota-Łępa
HR and accountingMarta Walczak
HR and accountingfinance team
Wojciech Leśniak
financial advisorJoanna Prusak-Cieślik
project settlement teamAnna Jabłońska
project settlement teamAldona Chwalik-Raczyńska
project settlement teamlegal team
Błażej Marszałek
legal teamKarolina Piorun- Mazurek
public procurementpromotion team
promotion, media relations, MultilabBarbara Wityńska-Słącz
deputy director of promotionPromotion
Michalina Jodłowska
promotion teamMaria Szmyd
promotion teamKrzysztof Szeremeta
games sector support promotion teamRadosław Syguła
games&startup sector support promotion teamKinga Wróbel
EDIH promotion teamMultilab
Aleksandra Staniszewska
KPT Multilab teamPiotr Krasny
KPT Multilab teamPiotr Kolendo
KPT Multilab teamIT and laboratories team
IT, Data Centre, cloud computingPatryk Majerski
IT team managerMichał Miłek
IT teamMarek Kozera
IT teamboard representative
Krystyna Sadowska
board representativeMariola Kocon
board representativeKrzysztof Krzysztofiak
board representativeContact
Krakowski Park Technologiczny sp. z o.o.
ul. Podole 60
30-394 Kraków
NIP 675-11-57-834